All fees are quoted in $ US Dollars.

Business Corporation

BC Stand Alone

BC With Nominees *

BC With a Bank Account **

BC With Nominees * & Bank Account **





$1,200.00Add to Order

$1,700.00Add to Order

$2,400.00Add to Order

$2,900.00Add to Order

* Nominee services will be accepted only for specific cases with holding companies.

** Bank service is non refundable, and approval cannot be guaranteed.

BC Stand Alone

$1,200.00Add to Order

BC With Nominees *

$1,700.00Add to Order

BC With a Bank Account **

$2,400.00Add to Order

BC With Nominees *
& Bank Account **

$2,900.00Add to Order

* Nominee services will be accepted only for specific cases with holding companies.

** Bank service is non refundable, and approval cannot be guaranteed.

Limited Liability Company

LLC Stand Alone

LLC With Nominees *

LLC With a Bank Account **

LLC With Nominees* & Bank Account **





$1,200.00Add to Order

$1,700.00Add to Order

$2,400.00Add to Order

$2,900.00Add to Order

* Nominee services will be accepted only for specific cases with holding companies.

** Bank service is non refundable, and approval cannot be guaranteed.

LLC Stand Alone

$1,200.00Add to Order

LLC With Nominees *

$1,700.00Add to Order

LLC With a Bank Account **

$2,400.00Add to Order

LLC With Nominees *
& Bank Account **

$2,900.00Add to Order

* Nominee services will be accepted only for specific cases with holding companies.

** Bank service is non refundable, and approval cannot be guaranteed.

Corporate Services

Annual Renewal

Change Resident Agent

Change Resident Agent + First year annual fee

Certificate Of Good Standing

Certificate Of Incumbency

Convert BC to LLC

Amendments to a Business Company Structure

Amendments to a Limited Liability Structure

Change of Company Name

Change of Director/Shareholder (per person)

Change of Manager/Member (per person)

Company Redomiciliation

Company Struck Off

Company Restoration















$600.00Add to Order

$600.00Add to Order

$1,200.00Add to Order

$150.00Add to Order

$100.00Add to Order

$800.00Add to Order

$300.00Add to Order

$300.00Add to Order

$500.00Add to Order

$300.00Add to Order

$300.00Add to Order

$1,500.00Add to Order

$600.00Add to Order

$1,300.00Add to Order

Annual Renewal

$600.00Add to Order

Change Resident Agent

$600.00Add to Order

Change Resident
Agent + First year annual fee

$1,200.00Add to Order

Certificate Of Good Standing

$150.00Add to Order

Certificate Of Incumbency

$100.00Add to Order

Convert BC to LLC

$800.00Add to Order

Amendments to a Business Company Structure

$300.00Add to Order

Amendments to a Limited Liability Structure

$300.00Add to Order

Change of Company Name

$500.00Add to Order

Change of Director/Shareholder (per person)

$300.00Add to Order

Change of Manager/Member (per person)

$300.00Add to Order

Company Redomiciliation

$1,500.00Add to Order

Company Struck Off

$600.00Add to Order

Company Restoration

$1,300.00Add to Order

Additional Services

Legal Opinion

International Courier

Apostille Document

Apostille Bundle

Company Physical Office (Annual Payment)






$1,200.00Add to Order

$180.00Add to Order

$250.00Add to Order

$600.00Add to Order

$12,000.00Add to Order

Legal Opinion

$1,200.00Add to Order

International Courier

$180.00Add to Order

Apostille Document

$250.00Add to Order

Apostille Bundle

$600.00Add to Order

Company Physical Office (Annual Payment)

$12,000.00Add to Order

Trust Services

Trust Formation

Professional Trustee

Professional Protector

International Escrow


Trust Formation

$2,500.00Add to Order

Professional Trustee

Contact Us

Professional Protector

Contact Us

International Escrow

Contact Us

Financial Licenses

International Banking License

Money Services Business License

Mutual Fund and Management’s License

Other Services

Charaters allowes: alphan-numeric and simple punctuation marks (.; -_)

Amount:  $


Bank Transfer

  • St. Vincent Trust & Escrow Ltd
  • Account: 190897
  • Swift: BSLULCLC
  • Proven Bank
  • Rodney Bay Marina
  • Gros Islet Highway
  • Gros Islet, St. Lucia

Credit Card

  • Check out with Credit Card


Cryptocurrency Transfer

  • Make your payment with stablecoins USDT, USDC and DAI, on supported blockchains such as Ethereum (ERC-20) and Tron (TRC-20).